PSYC489W: Psychology of Men and Masculinity
is an asynchronous, online course that will be held during
Summer Session I May 30-July 7, 2023.
Instructor: Dr. Monica Kearney
Course Description:
What is masculinity, and how does one earn their manhood? What does masculinity look like across cultural differences? How do psychologists and mental health professionals understand and address mental health concerns among men? This online, asynchronous course taught during the Summer I session will address a variety of topics, including psychological theories related to gender development, diversity among men and their experiences, the connection between masculinity and violence, positive masculinity, and mental health concerns specific to men. We will investigate masculinity from an intersectional perspective as well as review and critically analyze research related to men, masculinity, and mental health.
What is masculinity, and how does one earn their manhood? What does masculinity look like across cultural differences? How do psychologists and mental health professionals understand and address mental health concerns among men? This online, asynchronous course taught during the Summer I session will address a variety of topics, including psychological theories related to gender development, diversity among men and their experiences, the connection between masculinity and violence, positive masculinity, and mental health concerns specific to men. We will investigate masculinity from an intersectional perspective as well as review and critically analyze research related to men, masculinity, and mental health.
To enroll, go to Fulfills a Theme II and 400 Level Non-Lab for the PSYC Major.