PSYC 289 The Psychology of Happiness
Summer I
June 1, 2020-July 10, 2020
Register on Testudo
Fulfills a PSYC Theme II and an I-Series
What are the secrets to living a happy life? As depression and suicide rates soar, how can happiness be attained? Can happiness be found within the context of war, a depressed economy, violence and other major stressors? Are some people simply born happier than others? This course will introduce students to contemporary scientific approaches to studying these enduring questions.
Summer I
June 1, 2020-July 10, 2020
Register on Testudo
Fulfills a PSYC Theme II and an I-Series
What are the secrets to living a happy life? As depression and suicide rates soar, how can happiness be attained? Can happiness be found within the context of war, a depressed economy, violence and other major stressors? Are some people simply born happier than others? This course will introduce students to contemporary scientific approaches to studying these enduring questions.