Feb 6, 2020

Summer 2020 Research Diversity Experiences and Opportunities!

Michigan Summer Program in Cognition & Early Development, work with Drs. Susan Gelman,
Loulia Kovelman, Felix Werneken, and Henry Wellman.
Due: Feb 15th, 2020
Pay: TBD

UW-Madison's Math Education Learning and Development Lab, work with Dr. Percival Matthews on cognitive development.
Due: February 15, 2020
Pay: TBD

UW-Madison The Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP). Predominantly for students from under-represented backgrounds.
Due: Feb 15, 2020
Pay: $5,500 plus many expenses

Harvard Music Lab, work with Dr. Samuel Mehr on the development of music perception and creation.
Due: Feb 20, 2020
Pay: US$2,200 stipend

Virginia Tech Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program, summer research opportunities for undergraduates from diverse backgrounds. JK Lifespan Development Lab also accepts applicants through this program.
Due: Feb 21, 2020
Pay: $3000, on-campus room and board, and more

Emotion, Health, and Psychophysiology Lab at UCSF, work with Wendy Berry Mendes
Due: Feb 22, 2020

Summer Program for Undergraduate Researchers (SPUR) 2020 at Carnegie Mellon University
Due: Feb 24, 2020
Pay: $3,000

The Cooperation Lab at Boston College directed by Dr. Katherine McAuliffe
Due: Feb 28, 2020 (5 PM)

Yale University, Comparative and Developmental Origins of Social Cognition, work with Drs. Laurie Santos and Yarrow DunhamDue: Feb 29, 2020
Pay: $500/week

Yale Social Cognitive Development Lab, working with Dr. Yarrow Dunham
Due: March 1, 2020
Pay: TBD

Summer Internship at Yale School of Management, work with Michael Kraus, Amy Wrzesniewski, and others
Due: March 1, 2020
Pay: ~$20/Hr

Summer Internship at Columbia School of Management
Due: March 1, 2020 (Rolling)

Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies, work with Drs. Carey and Snedeker on cognitive development and psycholinguistics.
Due: March 1, 2020
Pay: $200/week

2020 Undergraduate Summer Fellowship Program in Interdisciplinary Mind and Brain Studies, work with Dr. John Trueswell, Allyson Mackey, and more.
Due: March 1, 2020
Pay: $4500

Internship on Science Writing (Science Communication) at Princeton University
Due: March 2, 2020
Pay: $18/hr

UT Austin Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program
Due: March 15, 2020
Pay: $2,500 stipend + room and board + out of Austin transport up to $100

UC Berkeley Language and Cognitive Development Lab 2020 Summer Internship, work with Dr. Mahesh Srinivasan on how linguistic, cognitive, and social abilities arise during human development.
Due: March 15, 2020
Pay: $1500

Research Assistant (RA) position at Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab, work with Jamil Zaki

Lab Manager position at Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab, work with Jamil Zaki

UC Berkeley Mind and Perception Lab, work with Juliana Schroeder
Contact: jepaul@berkeley.edu

Summer Undergraduate Research Program at New York University, Center for Neural Science

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