Jan 31, 2020

Diversifying Psychology Visit Day at Ole Miss!

University of Mississippi
Diversifying Psychology Visit Day
Friday, April 24, 2020
The University of Mississippi will be holding our Diversifying Psychology Visit Day on April 24, 2020. This event is intended to assist applicants from underrepresented groups in their preparation for graduate school and help them learn more about our doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychology. Applications are due March 1.  Link to Application

Accepted applicants will:
Meet with the Directors of our Clinical and Experimental Psychology PhD programs
Network with faculty and graduate students
Attend information sessions on applying to graduate school
Get a tour of the department and our on-site Psychological Services Center
Attend graduate student research presentations during our in-house Conference on Psychological Science that afternoon
Hear Dr. Laurie O’Brien speak on diversity and multicultural issues within psychology

This is an all-day event from 8:30am-5pm on Friday, April 24. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

A limited number of travel awards (up to $50 to offset gasoline costs) and housing awards (staying with one of our graduate students the night prior to the event) are available. Please complete the application below by March 1 if you would like to be part of this event!

Direct any questions to Dr. Todd Smitherman; tasmithe@olemiss.edu

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