Research Assistant Positions
The Child Development Lab
The Child Development Laboratory, under the direction of Dr. Nathan Fox, is now accepting applications for Spring 2019 undergraduate research assistants! RAs will work on studies that examine the effects of temperament on social and cognitive development using a variety of neurological and behavioral methods. This position involves assisting with study visits, and research assistants will gain experience with behavioral coding, electroencephalogram (EEG) collection, electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) collection, taking part in research discussions, and play an active role in behavioral and physiological data collection. This position requires a flexible schedule, including weekend availability. Accepted applicants will have the opportunity to work on several studies in the lab. Many of our RAs present at the annual Undergraduate Research Day. We ask for a two semester commitment, and credit is available for PSYC 479, BSCI 399, and EDHD 498 for those interested!
How To Apply:
Interested individuals should send an email with their resume, the names and phone numbers of 2 references, and an unofficial transcript to our Lab Manager, Jessica L. Jones at: jljones5@umd.edu.