Spring 2019 Practicum Experience
Kennedy Krieger Institute
The Behavior Management Clinic (BMC) at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, is based in the Department of Behavioral Psychology. The mission of the clinic is to provide behavioral assessment, brief or time-limited treatment to families, and consultation with community care providers, for children ages two through twelve years old. The BMC serves children with varying levels of functioning, including those with typical development and those with mild cognitive and/or other impairments, who present with a wide range of difficulties, such as anxiety, mood disturbance, noncompliance, aggression, mild selfinjury, inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, sleep problems, toileting difficulties, social skills deficits, and other disruptive behaviors. We have locations in Columbia, Odenton, and Baltimore, Maryland.
Our goal is to work with practicum students to meet their individual training goals. You are offered weekly supervision with a postdoctoral fellow and have the opportunity to interact with a variety of different therapists ranging from doctoral interns to staff psychologists. Additionally, we work to have additional trainings throughout the year (depending on student interest), and you may be able to attend our clinic-wide supervision sessions, as well as other trainings offered by the clinic (depending on your schedule availability). Students may choose to commit between 8-20 hours per week to the clinic.
As part of the practicum training experience, students have a number of responsibilities. All of the responsibilities are activities that therapists also complete on a regular basis, including the following:
-Scoring and data management (approximately 40-50% of time)
-Score and interpret parent and child rating scales
-Prepare typed rating scale summaries to be included in patient medical record o Enter data into a research database
-Observe therapy sessions (approximately 30-40% of time)
-Supervision and other miscellaneous tasks on an as needed basis (approximately 20% of time)
-Make intake packets
-Meet with supervisor or other clinicians for professional development
-Examples: helping to tidy the toy closet, reading articles from resource binder, conducting literature searches, helping to prepare session materials, making coloring sheets, etc.
For more information:
If you are interested, please email Dr. Sara Hinojosa at HinojosaS@kennedykrieger.org.