University of Maryland School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Growth and Nutrition
Full Description HERE
The Growth and Nutrition Division is looking for motivated individuals to help with data collection, data management, and organization for research studies within the division. This is a great opportunity to get experience working on a multidisciplinary research team with Dr. Maureen Black and Dr. Erin Hager and be a part of these exciting projects: Project CHAMP (Creating Healthy Habits Among Maryland Preschoolers) is an NIH-funded obesity-prevention study that aims to promote healthy preschool environments that support the health, growth and development of young children. Wellness Champions for Change is a statewide obesity-prevention study that aims to promote healthy school environments that support the health, growth and development of children. Project SELECT is a pilot study that aims to promote healthy school environments that encourage fruit and vegetable selection through cafeteria and classroom interventions.
Ability to work 10+ hours a week
Ability to transport equipment & travel to school/childcare sites in Baltimore City, surrounding counties, and/or Montgomery County
Pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition, Exercise Science, Public Health, Community Health, Epidemiology or a related field
Experience working with children and/or adolescents
How To Apply:
Please call (410) 706-5588 with any questions, or send your resume to: Katie Campbell, MPH Project SELECT study coordinator 737 West Lombard Street, Room 169B Baltimore, MD 21201 E-mail: kcampbell@peds.umaryland.edu For more information, please visit www.marylandschoolwellness.org