Wednesday, September 13
4:30 pm-6:30 pm
Event Flyer HERE
The Psychology Department is organizing a free event to celebrate our values of diversity, inclusion, respect, and unity. Join us on Wednesday, September 13 from 4:30-6:30 pm for food, music, open dialogue and more. Please invite your students to attend.
Details below:
What: A PSYC Terp CommUNITY Event
Who: Students, faculty, staff, and their loved ones
Where: Bioscience Research Building (BRB), Room 1103
When: Wednesday, September 13 from 4:30-6:30pm
How: RSVP here
Sponsored by: The Department of Psychology, the Multicultural Association of Psychology Students, Psi Chi the International Honor Society in Psychology,and the BSOS Dean’s Student Advisory Council.