Undergraduate Research Assistant
Maryland Child and Family Development Lab Responsibilities:
-Meeting with faculty mentor-Data collection related activities: ~3-5 hours
-Data collection related activities: ~5 hours C) Miscellaneous lab tasks (e.g., transcription, data entry, literature reviews) : ~2-3 hours
-Data collection related activities: ~5 hours C) Miscellaneous lab tasks (e.g., transcription, data entry, literature reviews) : ~2-3 hours
-At least 9 credits in PSYC (Psychology) courses.-Overall GPA of at least 2.8.
-PSYC GPA of at least 3.0.
How To Apply:
Undergraduate students interested in becoming Research Assistants during the semester or for a summer internship with the Maryland Child and Family Lab can complete an online application through this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nM63FY57tU2F54rqZLNIs3xFIaoRrUEjeOpOHXseKzA/viewform?edit_requested=true. Alternatively, students can visit the Maryland Child and Family Lab’s official webpage and scroll down to the RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY section to access the application. For more information, students may reach out to the following individuals: Sayaka Awao (Graduate Assistant) at sawao@umd.edu, Reante Talton (Graduate Assistant) at rtalton@umd.edu, or Dr. Jude Cassidy (Principal Investigator) at jcassidy@umd.edu.