The Psychology department will use the survey results to help us improve our multicultural climate. In the past, your responses have informed faculty training and the development of tools to advance multicultural and anti-racist practices, expansion of the Psychology Research Empowerment Program program, development of the Rainbow Room, and much more.
We will hold a Town Hall meeting to discuss the results of this survey in February 2021.
It is our hope that you will partner with us in this departmental evaluation and answer as honestly as possible. Thank you in advance!
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Naz Salahuddin, Erica Glasper, Monica Kearney, CJ Seitz-Brown, Fanita Tyrell, Jen Wessel, Alexis Foley, Jaeeun Lee, Jose Lima-Rosas, Kimberly Crawford, Juhi Narula, M Pease, and Michael Spooner