Wednesday, July 15, 2020
11:00 am
More Information
Gabrielle Elsey, M.H.A., R.B.T
Clinical Recruiter, Verbal Beginnings
Learn about rewarding careers providing a life-changing impact on children! RSVP is required.
Zoom Event Link will be emailed to all RSVPs one day before event.
Verbal Beginnings is dedicated to providing an individualized therapeutic approach to children on the Autism spectrum, through the use of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA is an evidence based practice that has been empirically validated to make meaningful changes in each child's life. Verbal Beginnings provides a merit of programs to help clients to excel in all areas. Programs include: Early intervention, In-home therapy, Feeding Services, Social skills groups and Diagnostic services.
Clinical Recruiter, Verbal Beginnings
Learn about rewarding careers providing a life-changing impact on children! RSVP is required.
Zoom Event Link will be emailed to all RSVPs one day before event.
Verbal Beginnings is dedicated to providing an individualized therapeutic approach to children on the Autism spectrum, through the use of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA is an evidence based practice that has been empirically validated to make meaningful changes in each child's life. Verbal Beginnings provides a merit of programs to help clients to excel in all areas. Programs include: Early intervention, In-home therapy, Feeding Services, Social skills groups and Diagnostic services.