Super Smash Bros. on April 18
SEE presents a variety of online and virtual events to keep you entertained in your bedroom or on your couch.
Facebook Live Shows - SEE Live @ 5 - engaging, funny on Fridays
SEE Online Games/Social Media Engagement
Family Feud
Bracket Challenges
4/16: Origami Cactus
4/23: Cooking Mug Cakes
Student Org Workshops - 4/21 - Defining Student Org Success
For a complete list of online and virtual programs hosted by the Stamp, visit stamp.umd.edu/This_Week_at_STAMP.
The Office of Student Conduct is collecting video submissions from student organizations and university offices and departments answering the question, “how does your organization/ office/ department live out its values?” Email your video submissions to lwidener@umd.edu by Friday, April 17.