Feb 20, 2020

Full-time Post-Bac RA Position with Dr. Riggins Neurocognitive Development Lab!

Full-time Post-Bac Research Assistant Position 
(Faculty Specialist)
Neurocognitive Development Lab

Dr. Riggins Neurocognitive Development Lab 
in the Department of Psychology at UMD is hiring a full-time post-baccalaureate research assistant for an NIH/NSF-funded research project examining sleep, memory, and brain development in early childhood

The position will start in late spring/early summer 2020. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2020 and continue until the positions are filled. Interested individuals should email a cover letter, CV, and names and contact information of 3 references to Arcadia Ewell at aewell1@umd.edu. Please include all documents in a single pdf file and include your last name in the file (i.e., “LASTNAME.pdf”).

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