Apr 15, 2019

Information Session with the Urban Arts Leadership Program!

Urban Arts Leadership Program Information Session
Monday, April 22, 4:30-5:30 pm
University Career Center (3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing)

RSVP via go.umd.edu/uals19

Urban Arts Leadership was designed to increase the participation of groups that have been historically underrepresented, particularly those of color, in the management of cultural and artistic organizations. Its purpose is to connect a talented and diverse pool of emerging leaders with arts organizations, arts service organizations and arts-driven businesses that are committed to racial equity and inclusion.

The program is part-time and a 10-month commitment from September to June. There is 4-months of intensive training after which fellows are matched with host organizations to collaborate on a 6-month project. While UAL doesn't guarantee job placement, some hosts do retain fellows. Sample hosts organizations have included: Baltimore Museum of Arts, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Maryland State Arts Council, The Center Stage and the Baltimore Creatives Acceleration Network.

Learn more here and apply here

The development of UAL has been guided by community input and the participation of more than 30 administrators from partnering cultural organizations. It is an immediate response to the needs of early career professionals and is meant to strengthen the cultural field.
For more information about this event, please email Michael Maiden at mmaiden@umd.edu.

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