Spring 2019
Research Assistant Positions
Downloadable Flyer
The Social and Moral Development Lab within the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology in the College of Education is currently recruiting talented, motivated undergraduate students to work as Research Assistants in the lab for the Spring 2019 semester. The lab is supervised by Dr. Melanie Killen.
Students are able to receive EDHD 498 or PSYC 479 credit as Research Assistants in the Social and Moral Development Lab. Working in the Social and Moral Development Lab provides students with excellent experience in preparation for graduate school, as well as gives students the opportunity to engage in the research process in an active lab environment.
How To Apply:
To apply, go to the lab website www.killenlab.umd.edu under "lab announcements" on the home page and download the one-page application. Email your completed application, along with your unofficial transcript and resume, to bonniew@umd.edu.