Movies for Mental Health Event
Thursday, November 8
7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Edward St. John Room 1202
Active Minds is hosting a FREE event on Thursday November 8th from 7-9 pm! This event will be held in ESJ 1202. Active Minds is a club that aims to reduce the stigma of mental illness on our campus. Movies for Mental Health is a place for us to voice our opinions and stories of mental health in a fun and safe space. Our event combines short films and discussion to make a memorable impact about mental health and how it is portrayed on film! Then there will be a panel of students, on campus resources, and off campus resources to talk about their own and experiences and where to reach out for help.
This event is FREE and there will be PIZZA!
To learn more information, please visit our facebook event HERE
If you have any questions about the event, please email! We look forward to seeing you there!