Paid Hourly Research Assistant Position
The Neurocognitive Development Lab is seeking a Research Assistant to assist with data collection on a project examining the role of sleep and brain development on memory during early childhood. Specifically, this position will be to assist with data collection from preschool children in their homes on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday, primarily afternoons).
*Required background and skills include: 1) ability to work both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, 2) access to reliable personal transportation (i.e., a car).
The Research Assistant will work between 5-10 hours weekly and participate in multiple aspects of the study including assisting with participant recruitment and retention, administering research assessments to preschool children (e.g., behavioral, polysomnography, and neuroimaging), data management, and administrative tasks.
How To Apply:
The position is open immediately. Review of applications will begin Wednesday, December 3, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Interested individuals should email a cover letter, CV, and names and contact information of 3 references to Arcadia Ewell at aewell1@umd.edu. Please include all documents in a single pdf file and include your last name in the file (i.e., “LASTNAME.pdf”).