Undergraduate Research Assistant Positions
Lab Website
The Computational Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychiatry Lab is looking for highly motivated,
energetic undergraduate research assistants to help with several projects. The lab’s research focuses on understanding information processing in human learning, decision making, and episodic memory, and how it is disrupted in psychiatric disorders (anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and depression) – an area recently dubbed computational psychiatry. In carrying out this work, we leverage tools from cognitive neuroscience, experimental and mathematical psychology, computer science, and statistics. We work at the intersection of theory and experiment, building computational models of information processing and testing them using both behavioral data and neuroimaging (fMRI and scalp EEG). More details about the type of research we do can be found HERE
Interested candidates should send a cover letter describing relevant experience and interests, CV/resume, and an unofficial transcript to Zhen Lin (zhenlin@umd.edu).