PSYC417 Introduction to Programming and Advanced Data Analysis for Non-Quantitative Majors
MW 1:00pm - 3:00pm
4 credits and fulfills 400 Level Lab Requirement
Prerequisites: Calculus or Elementary Calculus and PSYC 300
Instructor: Dr. Alec Solway
Fulfills Theme I and/or 400 Level Lab Requirement
A large number of industry and academic jobs require basic programming and data analysis skills. This class provides an introduction to
both. Students will learn the two most widely used programming languages in data science: R and Python. The course starts from scratch, and no previous programming background is assumed. Basic statistical techniques and advanced topics from a computational perspective will be addressed in the context of both toy data that students simulate
themselves as well as real world data sets. The class is highly
hands-on and has a heavy in-class and out-of-class project
component. The overall focus is on application and execution over
theory, which is introduced only at a high level where needed.
MW 1:00pm - 3:00pm
4 credits and fulfills 400 Level Lab Requirement
Prerequisites: Calculus or Elementary Calculus and PSYC 300
Instructor: Dr. Alec Solway
Fulfills Theme I and/or 400 Level Lab Requirement
A large number of industry and academic jobs require basic programming and data analysis skills. This class provides an introduction to
both. Students will learn the two most widely used programming languages in data science: R and Python. The course starts from scratch, and no previous programming background is assumed. Basic statistical techniques and advanced topics from a computational perspective will be addressed in the context of both toy data that students simulate
themselves as well as real world data sets. The class is highly
hands-on and has a heavy in-class and out-of-class project
component. The overall focus is on application and execution over
theory, which is introduced only at a high level where needed.