Research Assistant Positions on Coding Team
Maryland Psychotherapy Clinic & Research Lab
Looking for RAs to serve on a coding team for specialized research regarding advice in psychotherapy. Great opportunity for resume building or class credit. RA's will be on a coding team that will review psychotherapy sessions and code client and therapist behavior over the Winter term and beginning of spring semester. Must be able to meet in person over winter break.
-Attend a mandatory training at the start of January
-Meet twice a week over the Winter Term
-Meet once a week during the start of the spring semester
-Work collaboratively on a team of undergraduates
-Academic background and interest in psychology
-On-campus availability in January
-Strong communication and teamwork skills
-Interest in psychotherapy
How To Apply:
If interested contact Arcadia Ewell for more information at with the subject like MPCRL Coding Team.
Maryland Psychotherapy Clinic & Research Lab
Looking for RAs to serve on a coding team for specialized research regarding advice in psychotherapy. Great opportunity for resume building or class credit. RA's will be on a coding team that will review psychotherapy sessions and code client and therapist behavior over the Winter term and beginning of spring semester. Must be able to meet in person over winter break.
-Attend a mandatory training at the start of January
-Meet twice a week over the Winter Term
-Meet once a week during the start of the spring semester
-Work collaboratively on a team of undergraduates
-Academic background and interest in psychology
-On-campus availability in January
-Strong communication and teamwork skills
-Interest in psychotherapy
How To Apply:
If interested contact Arcadia Ewell for more information at with the subject like MPCRL Coding Team.