Sep 20, 2017

PSYC Major Shares Her Abroad Experience in Copenhagen!

Psychology senior Atousa Motameni studied abroad last year in Denmark, through the Maryland-in-Copenhagen program. While this is typically a semester-long program, Atousa loved her experience so much that she decided to stay for the whole year! We asked her to share her experience with us, and here is what she said. Keep in mind that applications for Maryland semester, short-term, and exchange programs for next winter, spring, and spring break are due on October 1st! Visit the UMD Education Abroad website for more information, and always remember to check with a PSYC advisor to make sure you have time to study abroad.

"I chose the Maryland-in-Copenhagen program at DIS initially because all I knew about Denmark was that they were consistently on the top of the list for 'the happiness country in the world' and I was curious what made the people so happy! Additionally, the class options for both my majors (Psychology and English) interested me and it was great to have those credits transfer so easily, which is what allowed me to stay the whole year without worrying too much about not meeting graduation requirements!

The unique thing about DIS is how much we traveled. For my Core Course, European Clinical Psychology, we went to Western Denmark just a couple of weeks after the semester started. This was
well timed because my main group of friends in Denmark was solidified during that trip and we became inseparable after one of the group dinners! During that week our class saw more of Denmark and visited different therapeutic sites around the country, including a Veterans center that pioneered PTSD research in Denmark, a youth prison using a very unique short-term intensive psychoanalysis, and a Snoezelhuset, which uses operational therapy principles for people with autism and dementia. There were also great cultural aspects of this trip where we went to a beautiful art museum and then bonded over Danish sweet dough that we heated up over the bonfire. It was amazing to see the Danish way of implementing therapy and psychology. I took a few other psychology courses while I was in Denmark, including "Psychology of Leadership," "Psychology of Endings," and "Psychology of Adolescence in Scandinavia." The Leadership class falls under the I/O psychology field and for it we met with CEOs, Ministry heads, and other executives to learn about their leadership style and how they motivate the people they lead. For the Endings class we explored the different aspects of endings people encounter ranging from loss of life, job or significant other to the ending of a conversation or class. The Adolescence class explored the life-stages for Danish and other Scandinavian youth would go through and we compared them to American adolescent experiences!

For the same European Clinical Psychology class, just a few weeks after the first trip we traveled to
Vienna, Austria to visit the birthplace of three important schools of Venetian psychology: Freudian, Individual (Adler) and Logo Therapy (Frankl). These legendary psychologists lived close to each other and their theories were developed simultaneously and also influenced by each other. We walked in their footsteps and visited current-day psychologists that are practicing within those ideologies. In Vienna, we also visited the Leopold Museum and the Belvedere where we chose a painting and we wrote a psychological analysis of in the scope of one of those ideologies. Since current affairs in Europe are still affected by the 'refugee crisis' we also went to one of the centers where the refugees are sent upon their arrival to Vienna and compared that visit to a harrowing and humbling trip to one of the concentration camps on the outskirts of Vienna. Each of these out of the classroom experiences related to the material we had been studying in class and were essential to us having the necessary knowledge to engage in those real-life settings. Our cultural visit in Vienna was going to the Opera Tosca at the famous opera house! Honestly, the whole year was like a dream! And the great thing about Maryland-in-Copenhagen is that it is well-structured to allow for those outside the classroom experiences, which truly make for an unforgettable life-changing semester, summer or year abroad!"

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