Psi Chi
Social Game Night
Tuesday, September 19th
4:45 pm-5:45 pm
Biology-Psychology Building

It's an amazing opportunity to meet and hang out with other psychology majors as well as the board of Psi Chi. Even if you are not a member, you are welcome to come and enjoy this night. As always, there will be free pizza! The event is going to be this Tuesday, September 19th between 4:45 and 5:45 pm in BPS 1140. The event will count for 1 point out of the 3 that you need to remain an active member and graduate with a chord for Psi Chi. Please note: Members are responsible for signing the attendance sheet at meetings to document their attendance and obtain points. Psi Chi is not responsible for assigning points to members who do not sign in. We hope that you come out and enjoy this night!