National Institute of Mental Health
Brain and body responses to Stress Study

How to Sign Up to participate in this study:
First Steps to Participate in Research: Call 1-800-411-1222, TTY:1-866-411-1010, or email nimhhealthyvolunteer@mail.nih.gov. Learn study details, ask about your eligibility, and consent to participate. Refer to study 01-M-0185. Principal Investigator: Christian Grillon Link to https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00026559?term=01-M-0185&rank=1
Anxiety and responding to Stressful Situations Study
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center want to understand how people who struggle with anxiety respond to different stressful situations. Previous research has identified processes within our body that play key roles in how we respond to fear and anxiety. This study will attempt to examine these body processes in people with different levels of anxiety. Participating includes: • One to two outpatient visits to the NIH Clinical Center. Each visit will last up to four hours • A screening visit which includes a physical and psychiatric exam. • During the study visits you will be exposed to mildly unpleasant events while you complete a computer task • Researchers will record your heart rate, muscle activity, sweat response, and breathing rate • Compensation will be provided
How to sign up to participate in this study:
You may be eligible if you: • Are 18-50 years old • In general good health • Have symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), or panic disorder. • Are not taking any medication for your anxiety or other mental health disorders. • Do not have an alcohol or substance abuse disorder. Location: The NIH Clinical Center, America’s research hospital is located on the Metro red line (Medical Center stop) in Bethesda, Maryland. For more information, call: Office of Patient Recruitment 1-866-444-1132 TTY: 1-866-411-1010 Online: clinicaltrials.gov and search by study 03-M-0093