Feb 2, 2017

EmployABILITY Workshop Series for Students with Disabilities!

Students with Disabilities
EmployAbility Workshop Series

EmployAbility: The Focus Group 2.0
Feb 8 4-5:30 Hornbake South 3100

WHAT DO YOU WANT? Come tell us about your vision for a campus environment that prepares all students, including those with disabilities, for their chosen careers. This is a moderated focus group designed to get your input into career services for students with disabilities.

EmployAbility Workshop Series: #1 Schedule A, Best Workplaces for People with Disabilities, and How to Get Hired by Them
Feb 14 4-5:30pm Hornbake South 3135
Workshop on targeted hiring opportunities for students with disabilities.
**Schedule A. **Best public/private sector workplaces for people with disabilities.

EmployAbility Workshop Series: #2 Employment Resources for Students with Disabilities
Feb 21 4-5:30pm Hornbake South 3134
Learn what resources are available online, on campus and in the community to assist students with disabilities with career preparation, job search, disclosure, accommodations, and problem-solving.

EmployAbility Workshop Series: #3 Turn Disability Into an Asset: Disclosure!
Feb 27 12-1:30 Hornbake South 3134
Learn what 'disclosure' really means, what employers want to know. Mastering disclosure turns disability into an asset.

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