Learning Assistance Service
Fall 2017 Resources and Services
The Learning Assistance Service (LAS) is the academic support unit of the University Counseling Center. The mission of LAS is to foster the education, critical thinking and intellectual growth of UM students; and to support students in developing personal and academic strategies, positive attitudes toward learning and self, and behaviors which empower them to be successful in college and life. LAS achieves its mission by providing a wide range of services, which include:
Learning Strategies Courses
Register for a learning strategies course:
EDCP108B (1 credit) helps students develop their learning strengths and apply strategies that will help them be successful in college and life.
EDCP108B (1 credit) helps students develop their learning strengths and apply strategies that will help them be successful in college and life.
EDCP108M (1 credit) helps freshmen and sophomores learn to take charge of their math learning and utilize effective strategies for math success.
Individual Academic Skills Coaching
Come meet individually with an academic skills coach to learn how to apply efficient learning strategies, improve the results of your study efforts, and manage your time and demands of your courses. Visit our office, call 301-314-7693, or click here to schedule online: https://lasonline.umd.edu
Academic Success Workshops
The academic success workshops help students become successful, active learners.
Click here to check out our Fall 2017 schedule
Guided Study Sessions

50-minute sessions are held twice a week using a group learning approach. Our data suggests that students who attend GSS earn higher final course grades than non-participants.
Fall 2017 GSS schedule
Math Learning Program
Want to improve your Algebra course grade? Overwhelmed in your Calculus class? This program can help you: foster a positive mathtitude; develop efficient study strategies; review math skills; learn about resources. The Math Learning Program includes individual appointments, workshops, and courses designed to help students successfully complete their UMD math requirements.
Click here to find out more