Mar 26, 2015

Scholarship opportunity through the Department of Women's Studies!


The Department of Women’s Studies invites applications for the Rodler-Wood Scholarship.

Full-time undergraduate or graduate students returning in Fall 2015 are eligible to apply for this $1000 award. The award will be made on the basis of one or more of the following criteria:

* demonstrated financial need;
* hardship based on sexual orientation or gender identity;
* academic interest in LGBT Studies;
* extracurricular activities on behalf of LGBT issues.

Applicants should submit:

1) a brief written statement outlining their qualifications and interests;
2) an unofficial transcript; and
3) one letter of recommendation.

Materials can be sent by e-mail attachment (Word or PDF only) by Monday, April 27 at 5pm to<>. Put “Rodler-Wood Scholarship” in the subject line of your message. Or, hard copies of materials can be submitted to the Department of Women’s Studies, 2101 Woods Hall, attn. JV Sapinoso.

A list of past recipients of the Rodler-Wood Scholarship can be found at

For further information, contact JV Sapinoso Assistant Director, Department of Women’s Studies, University of Maryland, 2101 Woods Hall, College Park, MD 20742, 301-405-6827

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