University of Maryland Counseling Center
The Student Advisory Board of the Counseling Center (SAB) serves several functions: publicizing Counseling Center services and acquainting the campus community with the Center, working on special projects within the Counseling Center and also on campus, and acting as a sounding board for the Center. The SAB is committed to reaching all groups represented on campus and offering outreach services in order to ensure that all students know of and have access to the Counseling Center services. The SAB is also an active organization within the Counseling Center and serves as a vital connection between the Center and the campus community. The members of the SAB will gain valuable experience working with other students on diverse projects, getting exposure to Counseling Center professionals, increasing their knowledge of the workings of the Counseling Center, and publicizing important events. Members must attend bimonthly meetings and participate in projects and activities.
-Create and distribute bookmarks and flyers for specific information, such as stress relief, or just to advertise Counseling Center services
-Invite student groups (e.g., Black Student Union) to meet with us and coordinate an "Open House" during which our groups could come together, learn about each other, and invite other students to learn about Counseling Center services
-Set up information tables at the Union
-Offer "Stress Relief Breaks" to students during exam week
-Gather information across campus regarding students' knowledge and feedback about the Counseling Center through short interviews and survey
How to Apply:
Click here to download the application for The Student Advisory Board: http://www.counseling.umd.edu/CS/student_advisory_board.php For information about joining the Student Advisory Board, please contact Kathryn Kline at kkline1@terpmail.umd.edu
Questions and Contact Information:
Name: Kathryn Kline
Email: kkline1@umd.edu