Research Assistant Positions
Using Mobile Phones & fMRI to Understand Anxiety
Shackman Lab
The Shackman Lab is looking for several undergraduate research assistants (RAs) to assist with on-going projects focused on the neural substrates of anxiety. Phones: One project uses mobile phone technology to assess anxious mood and behavior in the field. For the phone study, RAs must be available M/W 10:45 am-1:15 pm &/or T/TH afternoon 1:45-5:15 pm. fMRI: The other project uses neuroimaging techniques to quantify anxiety-related brain activity and connectivity. For the fMRI study RAs must be available at the Maryland Neuroimaging Center ( T/TH 1-6 pm &/or W 9am-4pm.
How To Apply:
Please contact Dr. Shackman directly at Prior lab or work experience is ideal but not necessary.
Using Mobile Phones & fMRI to Understand Anxiety
Shackman Lab

How To Apply:
Please contact Dr. Shackman directly at Prior lab or work experience is ideal but not necessary.