Feb 26, 2014

Considering a career in medicine? Apply to the MD Summer Experience at Emory!

MD Summer Experience at Emory (MD-SEE)
Clinical Neurology Study
A joint program sponsored by the Emory College Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology Program (NBB) and the Department of Neurology of the Emory School of Medicine
May 19-June 27, 2014

Undergraduates, Explore Neurology at Emory this Summer!
Course Number: NBB 490-0PA / Credit hours: Four (4) hrs. Maximum enrollment: 18
Students must be available Monday through Friday for morning clinical rounds, afternoon classroom lectures and special evening presentations.

Course /Program description: Much more than a shadowing program, MD-SEE offers genuine clinical experience, classroom guidance on presentations, and a vigorous look at current issues and practices in medicine. This course will cover variable topics of special interest in the field of Clinical Neurology. Undergraduates will have an opportunity to correlate experience with actual patients with the science behind the diagnosis. During their time in the clinics, students will act as a “patient assistant,” helping patients who may have partial paralysis or loss of sensation. They will learn the basics of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and will record patients’ history and neurological findings in compliance with HIPAA while observing real-life patient examinations. Students then will choose a neurology patient each week on who to conduct research and will present the case to peers in a HIPAA-compliant manner. Each student will be assigned a Clinical Neurology faculty mentor who will help develop the writing and poster projects. Toward the end of the six-week course, students will select the one de-identified patient encountered that embodied their greatest interest and will formally present the case in the format of a scientific meeting. Each student will observe and practice the techniques of both platform and poster presentations. Publication of student work will be encouraged, co-authored by the faculty mentor.
Co- and extra-curricular activities: Likely activities to be included within the six-week program may include tours of Imaging, Rehabilitation and Sleep Centers; tours of area hospitals, Yerkes Primate Center and the CDC; panel discussions with Emory School of Medicine faculty and students; overview discussion of the MCAT; and evening film screenings and lectures.

Pre-requisites: Introductory Biology, Human Physiology and/or an Introductory Neuroscience course. Rising juniors and seniors preferred.

How to Apply: Emory undergraduates and visiting undergraduates must submit the following: MD-SEE Admission Application, transcript, one letter of recommendation (optional). Applications are available at www.mdsummer.emory.edu.

Cost of the Program: $8,629 * *Includes $5242 tuition, $3100 program fee and $105 athletic/student health fee.

Housing: Students are not required to live on campus, but it is recommended. On-campus housing and meal plans are available at an additional cost. For information or to request on campus housing and meal plan visit http://www.emory.edu/HOUSING/UNDERGRAD/summerschool.html
Financial Aid: Emory undergraduates, with demonstrated financial need, may be eligible for a limited tuition-based grant/ award. Emory undergraduates who are accepted to MD-SEE Program and qualify for 2013-14 need based financial aid will be considered. Visiting students (non-Emory) may be eligible for a visiting student scholarship. Awards range from $500 - $1500 based on demonstrated financial need.

Why this Program? How will I benefit from the experience?
In the course, students meet both new and returning patients and listen as they describe their symptoms. This is the heart of the course; students learn the unique ways different individuals describe what has happened to them. The language patients use, and their facial expressions and emotions, allow experienced doctors to distinguish the most important and pertinent symptoms.
Students are expected to read about the symptoms that evening and try to understand the places in the nervous system and common diseases that could produce each symptom. Also, they record the medical terms and drugs mentioned by the doctor to be researched later. They watch as physicians perform neurological exams, develop the diagnosis, and plan treatment. Each participant is required to attend half-day clinics weekly during the six-week program and select one patient each week to be reviewed when the group gets together. At the end of the course each student, in consultation with their Neurology mentor, will select a patient to work up into an expanded case study. The student will present this case study in a formal 15 minute PowerPoint presentation at a conference with the format of a scientific meeting, The Conference will be attended by all the students as well as their mentors and additional faculty from NBB and the Department of Neurology. Each student will also prepare a 3 x 5 foot “conference quality” poster.

MD Summer Experience at Emory (MD-SEE): Clinical Neurology Study Program Goals:

To connect each student to actual patients experiencing the symptoms of neurologic diseases
To teach students to research and present how basic mechanisms of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology are altered by neurologic disease and how specific symptoms are produced.
To make professional connections within the Department of Neurology for the students, including faculty, residents and medical student
To learn how to present a paper and poster at a national meeting and discuss how to bring their work to publication.
This course embodies the drama of students encountering serious diagnostic challenges and integrating them into a systematic solution bodied in publication quality diagnostic short reports and culminating in a professional level presentation. In summary, the goals for the students are: exposure, interpretation, integration, and presentation.

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