Federal Careers in Psychology Workshop (DATE CHANGE)
Re-scheduled for Thursday, October 3
4:00 pm
1142 BPS
If you have already registered for this event you do not need to re-register due to the date change. If you have not yet registered you may still do so at the following link: http://ter.ps/fedpsyc
We apologize for any inconvenience this date change may have caused but we hope you are still able to attend the workshop.
Re-scheduled for Thursday, October 3
4:00 pm
1142 BPS
If you have already registered for this event you do not need to re-register due to the date change. If you have not yet registered you may still do so at the following link: http://ter.ps/fedpsyc
We apologize for any inconvenience this date change may have caused but we hope you are still able to attend the workshop.