The Department of Psychology has implemented a new exam scanning system, Remark Office OMR that provide students and instructors with some great new features. We will provide the answer sheets for you - just email with the number of answer sheets you need and then come by BPS 2143 to pick them up.
Some advantages of the new system:
Some advantages of the new system:
- Students can use pencil or pen.
- Instructors can easily
- Make up to 9 versions of the same exam without having to sort the students' answer sheets.
- Set the point value for each question - they can all be the same or weighted differently
- Designate some items to be counted only as extra credit
- Review detailed item analyses and individual student performance
- We save a lot of money by printing our own answer sheets.
How to create multiple exam versions:
Option 1 (The better way)
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Sample Answer Key Table |
- Create Version A of your exam
- Download the answer key table by clicking here
- Enter the answers for Version A into the answer column
- For each additional exam version you create you will shuffle the order of the questions – do not change the order of the answer choices for each question.
- Using Version A as the reference point you will make a list for each version of the exam that indicates the new item number for that question. For example, see the chart below. Question 1 on Version A was moved to be Question 3 on Version B, so we write “3” in the first row in the B column. That same question was moved to be Question 5 on Version C.
- You can create up to nine versions of the exam. Contact if you would like to use the testing software that automatically creates multiple versions with randomly shuffled question orders. The software also generates the answer keys for you
Why is this the better way? The scanning software automatically matches up the items from the different forms and gives you the detailed item analysis for each item. If you don't do it this way, the software cannot tell you how the whole class did on a specific item.
Option 2
- Create up to nine forms of your exam how ever you would like.
- Bubble in an answer key for each form and be sure that the exam code is bubbled in.
- Submit the keys with your students' answer sheets.