PSYC 457: Qualitative Research
Professor Clara E. Hill
Fall 2012
TuTh 2-4 pm
Permission of Instructor Required
Description: Qualitative methods are particularly valuable for studying in-depth the inner experiences of people. It is important to possess knowledge about the skills for conducting qualitative research. In this course, students will learn about the assumptions underlying different research methods and discuss the rationale for when to use qualitative approaches as compared to quantitative approaches. The steps for conducting research using consensual qualitative research (CQR) along with reading and critiquing published CQR studies will be covered. Students will also conduct a qualitative study as a part of the class, starting with reviewing the literature, developing an interview protocol, interviewing participants, analyzing the data, and writing a manuscript. The class will work collaboratively to conduct this study.
Prerequisite: PSYC 300.
If interested, contact Prof Hill ( for an interview; class size is limited.