University of Maryland
Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM)

If members of our community in Psychology experience hate or bias, we would like to know about it so that we can address these issues at the department level. Please report incidents and take care of each other.
1. Reporting incidents.
· Contact UMPD to report any concern of hate/bias crimes so these matters can be investigated.
(301) 405-3333 information in part to determine what types of interventions are needed on campus. Unfortunately, we have had to make two reports in the past week. The good news is that the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct was extremely helpful and supportive.
· Contact the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) to report hate-bias incidences. OCRSM provides victim support as well as tracks, monitors and maps incidences.
*Contact the Department of Psychology's Diversity Committee by using this form or reach out directly to the committee co-chairs Erica Glasper ( or Naz Salahuddin (
2. Seeking care and guidance, and encouraging your peers to do the same.
· Counseling Center
· Faculty Staff Assistance Program, University Health Center
· Office of Diversity and Inclusion