Research Assistant Positions
CAIP (The Comprehensive Assessment and Intervention Program)
The Comprehensive Assessment and Intervention Program (CAIP), directed by Dr. Andres De Los Reyes, conducts clinic-based research trying to understand the best ways to assess and treat behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents. Students in the CAIP Lab receive extensive research and clinical training in diagnostic and treatment protocols for specific psychological conditions in childhood and adolescence, namely social anxiety in teenagers. The CAIP laboratory seeks to improve methods for assessing adolescent social anxiety and parent-adolescent interactions. Much of our research could be of interest to students wishing to pursue graduate work in a variety of fields, such as clinical, developmental, cognitive and social psychology areas, social work, counseling, and medicine.
-Recruit and assist in the completion of study assessments
-Train to administer computer-based, behavioral, and structured interview assessments
-Administer physiological assessments
-Manage data collection
-Assist on weekends, with training at regular intervals during the week
-Commit to two consecutive semesters of service
-Minimum of 10 hours a week of volunteer work
-With the exception of religious observances, the Lab expects volunteers to commit to assisting on weekend assessments
-Minimum 3.0 GPA
-Strong organizational skills
-Excellent interpersonal skills
How To Apply:
Please email completed application to Dr. Andres De Los Reyes at: The application can be found at: