Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
University of Maryland
The Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory investigates brain networks underlying emotion and cognition using EEG, MRI, and other psychophysiological measures. The lab works to understand how functional brain activity is disrupted for clinical problems such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and aggression, as well as how such brain activity can be changed through treatment. This work is relevant to students interested in various areas of psychology, such as clinical, cognitive, forensic, physiological, social, and developmental, as well as students with basic science interests in the brain, such as biology, neuroscience, and engineering.
Responsibilities and Requirements:
-Learn to collect EEG and MRI neuroimaging data
-Learn to design and implement experimental task paradigms
-Opportunities to learn to conduct EEG and MRI neuroimaging analysis
-No previous experience required
-3.5 GPA
-High motivation for graduate study
-Interest in a more lengthy training experience (ideally 2+ years) to develop a strong record
How To Apply:
Please e-mail resume and unofficial transcript to Matthew Bachman at mdb09g@umd.edu