Jan 3, 2025

Spring 2025 Research Assistant Positions with The Center for Early Childhood Education

CECEI Research Assistant Positions

The Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention (CECEI) is a joint initiative between the Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE) and the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology (HDQM). The mission of CECEI is to conduct high quality research on early childhood education and early intervention programs in order to inform State and Federal policy, to translate research into scalable education programs and best practices, to build capacity in schools and communities, and to promote family engagement in their children’s education.

General Research Assistant Position:
CECEI is seeking Undergraduate or Graduate Research Assistants to assist with Center projects. Current projects include Trauma Sensitive Pedagogy (TSP), implementation of preschool curricula for three and four year olds, the Maryland Early EdCorp CDA Apprenticeship program, and a study of Maryland's Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Support Services program.

Communications Research Assistant Position: 
CECEI is seeking an Undergraduate or Graduate Research Assistant who will assist with producing blog and social media content and organizing outreach efforts, review CECEI/project websites, suggest revisions, and update content and formatting using Drupal (training provided), and provide other project support as needed within CECEI.

How To Apply:
Please visit the CECEI Career Opportunities web page for more information and application instructions: https://education.umd.edu/research/centers/cecei/career-opportunities

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