Sep 15, 2017

NEW Work for Change Internship Program!

NEW Work for Change Internship Program
Work for Change is an internship program that will take place in Spring 2018. UMD students work with TerpService Staff to secure an internship at a local nonprofit and participate in a 3-credit class. Students accepted into the program receive a $500 scholarship.

Important Information:
Application Dates: September 13th- October 3rd
To apply, log in to OrgSync and then follow and select the form "Work for Change Program Application for 2017-2018, TerpService".

Any questions about the program or application can be sent to

Program Description:
Work for Change provides UMD students with a meaningful internship experience in our local community centered on service as well as professional and leadership development. Students gain important professional skills by committing to an internship at a local nonprofit for 8-10 hours a week for 14 weeks. Students make meaning of this experience and reflect on lessons learned in the 3-credit spring semester course that meets for 2 hours a week on campus. TerpService supports participants by: 1) providing guidance during the fall semester towards securing an internship in the spring; 2) facilitating professional development prior to starting work at the nonprofits; and 3) supporting students to promote and leverage their internship as a professional experience after the course is completed. Once accepted into the program, students are eligible to receive a $500 scholarship to help defray expenses accrued while completing the internship.

Important Dates:
Application Period: September 13th - October 3rd (11:59 PM)
Confirmation of date and time for interview for Work for Change Program: October 6th
Interviews with Work for Change Program Staff: October 9th - 13th
Notification of acceptance into Work for Change Program: October 13th
Applications due to nonprofits for On Campus Interviews: Oct 22 11:59pm
On Campus Interviews with participating nonprofits: Nov 15th and 16th
Find out more info or log into Orgsync and apply! Applications close on October 3rd.
Feel free to email with any questions or for help with the application.

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