The Lab for Early Social Cognition
The Lab for Early Social Cognition at the University of Maryland, College Park, under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Beier, is seeking a new lab coordinator. The position will begin in May or early June 2017. This is a one-year position, with a possibility of renewal depending on performance and the availability of funding. The successful applicant will coordinate the lab’s research investigating social cognitive development in infancy through early childhood. Our research focuses on children’s prosocial development and their understanding of social interactions and social relationships. We use a variety of research techniques, including both eye-tracking and more active measures of children’s social evaluations and behaviors. See http://socialkidslab.umd.edu/
-Data collection and analysis
-Stimulus construction and research design
-Supervision of undergraduates
-Interacting with children and parents
-Lab and office management (e.g., budget, IRB, equipment purchases and maintenance, lab website, protocol updates, and more)
-Community engagement
-The minimum educational requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology or a related field within cognitive science
-At least one year of relevant research experience
-Excellent communication and computer skills
-Be able to work independently and in collaboration with others
-Strong multi-tasking and organizational skills
-Must be comfortable being silly with young children
-Top candidates will have considerable research experience with children under 6 years, excellent writing ability, and proficiency with programming, data processing, statistics, and web and multimedia development.
How To Apply:
To apply, please send a cover letter detailing your relevant background and goals, a resume, and an unofficial transcript to the current lab coordinator, Noor Qasmieh, at nqasmieh@umd.edu. Please also arrange for 2 letters of reference to be sent to the same address. Review of applications will begin immediately, with the aim of concluding this search as soon as an exceptional candidate is found.