Apr 3, 2015

Learn about Behavioral Science opportunities with NSA and the Military! RSVP to attend the National Security and Psychology Symposium on Friday, May 1!

4th Annual National Security and Psychology Symposium
Friday, May 1, 2015
9:00 am-2:00 pm
National Defense University Eisenhower School
Fort McNair
Washington, DC

The goal of the National Security and Psychology Symposium is to give interested undergraduate and graduate students an chance to learn of the opportunities in the behavioral sciences within National Security Agencies and the Military.

This symposium will provide psychology students with a brief exposure to Military Psychology, National Security Agencies, and senior military officers. Attendees will have the opportunity to interface and meet with the presenters and group-panel members to learn their perspective on the Behavioral Sciences.

Limited seating is available so please RSVP to Janet Olsen: janet.olsen@ndu.edu by 1600 hrs or 4:00 pm on Wednesday, 15 April 2015.

Please provide the full name of the attendee so that access onto Fort McNair can be arranged.

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