Undergraduate Interviewers/Researchers

University of Maryland
Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
The Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN) at University of Maryland is looking for undergraduate students to help with research in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology.
Students will be paid $10.00 / hour. This position will begin in January 2015 and will end in May 2015.
The Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN) will interview fathers to learn more about parent-child relationships and validate measures for evaluation research. Students will be asked to conduct one-on-one interviews with fathers at non-profit agencies.
If interested please contact: Liz Kaberg at ebfein@umd.edu
(This project is conducted in collaboration with and approved by Temple University for public display and is associated with a grant #90pr0006, funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.)