The college offers the following scholarship awards:
Irv & Micki Goldstein Scholarship Award
Jean & Robert Steele Scholarship Award
Katherine Pedro & Robert S. Beardsley Scholarship Award
Murray E. Polakoff Scholarship Award
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Scholarship Award
The Montgomery Family Endowed Scholarship Award
Deadline to apply:
Friday, January 23 by 5:00 p.m.
For materials that cannot be submitted in your online
application, please send or deliver remaining items to:
Attn: Blessing Enekwe
College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
University of Maryland
2141 Tydings Hall
College Park, MD 20742
or email bsos-scholarships@umd.edu. Questions regarding the scholarships or the application process can be e-mailed to: bsosscholarships@gmail.com.