Children's National Medical Center
The Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders (CASD) at Children’s National Medical Center is seeking applications for a full-time Research Assistant to assist with a new 3 year federally funded project to conduct an effectiveness trial of a cognitive behavioral executive function intervention (Unstuck and On Target) as compared to a contingency behavior management treatment in low-income elementary school students with ADHD or an autism spectrum disorder.
The Research Assistant will manage and coordinate research studies, as well as work closely with the research team to manage participants’ experiences throughout the study. Responsibilities include child testing, coordination of school recruitment, data collection and management, IRB protocol management, grant preparation, data analysis, and preparation of manuscripts. Applicants for this position should have their own car.
A Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts is required. A strong background in psychology, biology, and/or health sciences is preferred. Prior research, statistical knowledge, and experience with children are strongly recommended. This position provides valuable experience for candidates interested in pursuing graduate degrees in psychology or medicine.
How To Apply:
Applications are being accepted for an immediate start date. We require at least a one year commitment. Salary is competitive. Please visit us on the web at http://www.childrensnational.org/CASD
Qualified candidates should send a cover letter and resume to:
Katerina Dudley
Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology
15245 Shady Grove Road, Suite 350
Rockville, MD 20850
phone 301-765-5425
fax 301-765-5497