Aug 7, 2013

Parenting Study seeks paid Research Assistant!

Paid Research Assistant 
Partners for Parenting (Brenda Jones Harden)
University of Maryland

Partners of Parenting is a five year Early Head Start-University Partnership funded by the Administration for Children and Families. Led by Dr. Lisa Berlin (University of Maryland School of Social Work) and Dr. Brenda Jones Harden (University of Maryland, College Park) this intervention research project is being conducted in collaboration with four Early Head Start (EHS) programs that serve predominantly Latino families with infants and toddlers. The primary goal of the project is to implement a supplemental, evidence-based parenting program, Attachment and Bio behavioral Catch-Up (ABC), and to evaluate its effects on mother and child behavior and stress regulation.

How To Apply:
Interested candidates please email cover letter and CV to either Dr. Lisa Berlin at or Dr. Brenda Jones Harden at

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