In Introduction to Psychology you will learn how scientists predict, explain and influence thought, feelings and behavior. We encourage you to preview a course syllabus to get a better idea of how the course is structured and what it covers, but here are some frequently asked questions:
Why are there so few seats open?
Or, later on in the registration period, why are they restricted to Freshman? The University releases a small number of seats overtime to ensure that underclassmen can get into the general education courses they need. In the beginning of the registration period you may see that there are only a few seats available, but more will be added as time goes on. You can always register and get onto the hold file: visit for details and contact the Office of the Registrar if you have any questions.
Why isn't there a textbook listed?
That's because there is no textbook for most sections of PSYC 100! We have created a free, open-source resource that will cover everything you need to know. That link will be available for you on the course ELMS page. Save that money and do something fun with it.
What is a Response Card?

The only thing you need to purchase for the course is a "clicker" (what the bookstore lists as a "Response Card"). Think of it as a small remote control that you can use to answer questions during class meetings. Visit for more information.
Please note that you may not use the phone app in this course, you need a physical clicker. Older models of clickers will work but we recommend the LCD version. If you plan to order your clicker online please do that before the semester begins and be sure to register it here.
Why does it say "ONLINE" in the course times?
During the fall and spring semesters the course is structured as a blended course, which means that some of the time that you would otherwise spend in a class meeting is used to engage you with online activities, demonstrations and writing assignments. We will explain this in more detail in the syllabus and in our first class meeting, but in the mean time you should expect to be in class on the day and time listed for the class and discussion section and to spend 4-5 hours each week out of class on the coursework. We strongly suggest that you schedule that time for yourself just like it was a standard class meeting.
Is there anything that I need to know about the exams?
Yes, starting Fall 2014 there will be three course exams administered by laptop in the classroom. You will be required to bring a laptop (not a tablet or phone) - if you do not own one you can borrow one (here) but please be sure you arrange that well in advance.
Why are there so few seats open?
Or, later on in the registration period, why are they restricted to Freshman? The University releases a small number of seats overtime to ensure that underclassmen can get into the general education courses they need. In the beginning of the registration period you may see that there are only a few seats available, but more will be added as time goes on. You can always register and get onto the hold file: visit for details and contact the Office of the Registrar if you have any questions.
Why isn't there a textbook listed?
That's because there is no textbook for most sections of PSYC 100! We have created a free, open-source resource that will cover everything you need to know. That link will be available for you on the course ELMS page. Save that money and do something fun with it.
What is a Response Card?

The only thing you need to purchase for the course is a "clicker" (what the bookstore lists as a "Response Card"). Think of it as a small remote control that you can use to answer questions during class meetings. Visit for more information.
Please note that you may not use the phone app in this course, you need a physical clicker. Older models of clickers will work but we recommend the LCD version. If you plan to order your clicker online please do that before the semester begins and be sure to register it here.
Why does it say "ONLINE" in the course times?
During the fall and spring semesters the course is structured as a blended course, which means that some of the time that you would otherwise spend in a class meeting is used to engage you with online activities, demonstrations and writing assignments. We will explain this in more detail in the syllabus and in our first class meeting, but in the mean time you should expect to be in class on the day and time listed for the class and discussion section and to spend 4-5 hours each week out of class on the coursework. We strongly suggest that you schedule that time for yourself just like it was a standard class meeting.
Is there anything that I need to know about the exams?
Yes, starting Fall 2014 there will be three course exams administered by laptop in the classroom. You will be required to bring a laptop (not a tablet or phone) - if you do not own one you can borrow one (here) but please be sure you arrange that well in advance.