Participants in the LAS Peer Educator Training program will:
· Receive ongoing, semester-long training; partake in professional development opportunities; and gain new techniques and skills to incorporate into their roles as peer educators
· Have the opportunity for various training tracks. Students can volunteer or gain either 3 credits (EDCP318E) or 1 credit of upper-level coursework (EDCP 498)
· Participate in experiential learning through hands-on, out of class activities and one-on-one mentoring and tutoring sessions
· Hone Communication and Leadership Skills
Participants have the opportunity to receive official LAS peer educator certification and/or College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA)’s International Mentor Training Program Certification (IMTPC):
· Certification type depends on training track
· Your information would be listed on the LAS Counseling Center website as a certified LAS mentor or tutor OR as a IMPTPC certified mentor
· This website serves as a referral source for any UMD student, parent, faculty, or staff member looking to work with or hire a highly qualified mentor or tutor
· This is a great professional development opportunity to list on a resume, job, or graduate school application
For additional details regarding this program, or to receive an application, please contact: Paola hernandez at pmaria@umd.edu or visit the website: http://www.counseling.umd.edu/LAS/html/pal.html
Application deadline is September 9, 2013.