Dec 22, 2011

Ever thought about Sport & Exercise Psychology? Here's a first look!

Sport and Exercise Psychology
Are you interested in a career involving sport and exercise? Are you fascinated by the science of psychology? Do you enjoy helping people reach their peak potential? Then consider a career in Sport Psychology

What is Sport & Exercise Psychology?
Sport and Exercise Psychology is the scientific study of the psychological factors that are associated
with participation and performance in sport, exercise, and other types of physical activity.

What do a Sport and Exercise Psychologists do?
Psychological skills training (Relaxation, Imagery…)
Enhancing self-confidence for others
Poise and emotion management training for athletes
Eating disorders and weight management interventions
Racial and ethnic diversity in sport settings
Overtraining and burnout counseling
Aggression and violence counseling in sports
Athletic injury and rehabilitation
Coaching, parental, and familial needs involved in youth sports participation

What are the benefits of a career in Sport and Exercise Psychology?
Helping future athletes break untouchable world records
Helping to develop a better understanding of racial, ethnic, and cultural issues in sport and exercise settings
Contributing to the growing research in the fields of psychology and exercise science
Assisting a child to develop a passion for sport, exercise, and physical activity
Helping an injured athlete through the recovery process

Some Resources to Check Out:
American Psychological Association – Division 47 (Exercise and Sport Psychology)
Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)
International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP)
The Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology

For more information, contact Julie Vieselmeyer at

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