Apr 11, 2011

Undergraduate Research Day

Have you been involved in research as an undergraduate, either as an individual or as part of a 
team? Would you like the opportunity to present your work at Maryland's largest, most visible and 
diversified showcase for undergraduate research accomplishments? Then present your research 
at Undergraduate Research Day on Wednesday, April 27, 2011! 

This year Undergraduate Research Day will be featured in the calendar of events celebrating 
President Wallace Loh's inauguration the following day, and will take place in the Grand Ballroom 
of the Stamp Student Union, so your work will reach the widest possible audience. The 
Undergraduate Research Day presentation fair will run from 1 to 4 pm on April 27, with set-up 
beginning at 12 noon. You can be present part or all of the time. We hope that many psychology 
students, including you, will present their research. 

Submitting a proposal is free and easy - you can find the form on the MCUR homepage 
at - http://www.ugresearch.umd.edu/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jspllr=tfppyceab&et=1104792339904&s=1433&e=001SixDYHDi5EZ9R92QzX

The deadline to submit your proposal is Monday, April 11 but we encourage you to submit early. 

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